Mind, Give Me
Mind, give me
The exact name of things
. . . that my word may be
the thing itself,
recreated by my soul.
So that all who do not know them
go through me,
to things;
all who have forgotten,
go through me,
to things
all those who love them
go through me,
to things . . .
Mind give me
the exact name, and yours
and theirs, and mine, of things!
-- Juan Ramón Jiménez (translated by Peter Levitt)
"I can almost hear him whisper these words as a kind of prayer, though it is not his prayer alone. To have one's words or vision become reality -- what poet or person could want more than that? Then, the river a poet names, with its stones and song, would ceaselessly flow in the hearts and minds of other human beings, and green would become the green of real love, as when Lorca wrote, 'Green, how I love you green.' The possibilities here are endless. Even peace is only as far away as our ability to truly hear the imagination and to say through word and deed, from the depth of our being, exactly what we hear."
--Peter Levitt, "About a Poem: Peter Levitt on Juan Ramón Jiménez's, 'Mind, Give Me,' Shambhala Sun, September 2010
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